Hey Thanks!
This is Step 1 of 3 – Please Confirm Your Email Address

Please be sure to check your inbox and spam folder for our confirmation email.
Please follow these instruction to insure that you receive my emails.
If you use SPAM ARREST or other service, please whitelist:

In order to protect ourselves from spam, we have sent you a confirmation message to the email address you submitted.

Please check your email inbox now and find the email titled “Confirm your subscription”. Allow a few minutes for the email to arrive and please check your bulk mail and/or spam folder if you don’t see it.

Once you Click on the confirmation link you will be instantly taken to the 3 free video’s as promised. We do this confirmation process for both your protection and ours.




GMAIL USERS – Check Inbox &
Spam Folder

Here’s how to add us to your Gmail whitelist:

Bullet1. Follow the Settings link in Gmail.

Bullet2. Go to Filters.

Bullet3. Click Create a new filter.

Bullet4. Type the desired email address under From:.

Bullet5. Type just the domain name or the domain name preceded by ‘@’. To whitelist “omar-martin.com” & “aweber.com”, for instance, type “@omar-martin.com” & “@aweber.com” (not including the quotation marks).

Bullet6.Click Next Step ››.

Bullet7. You can click Test Search before, of course, to make sure you did not mistype.

Bullet8. Make sure Never send it to Spam is checked.



YAHOO USERS – Check Inbox &
Bulk Folder

NOTE: Yahoo Services are often unreliable. It sometimes
takes hours or even up to 4 days to get a confirmation
email from yahoo. If you do not get one in 5 minutes,
resubmit on the previous page and enter a non yahoo
email you have that use frequently. Here’s how to add us
to your Yahoo whitelist:

Bullet1. Open your Yahoo mailbox

Bullet2. Click “Mail Options”

Bullet3. Click “Filters”

Bullet4. Next, click “Add Filter”

Bullet5. In the top row, labeled “From Header:” make sure
“contains” is selected.

Bullet6. Click in the text box next to that drop-down menu, and enter the address in the “From” line of our e-mail
message (Please select the e-mail address from the list

Bullet7. At the bottom, where it says “Move the message to:” select “Inbox” from the menu.

Bullet8. Click the “Add Filter” button again.



AOL USERS – Check Inbox &
Spam Folder

If you’re using AOL, here’s how to receive our mails:

Bullet1. Go to “Mail Controls”

Bullet2. Select the screen name we’re sending your e-mail to

Bullet3. Click “Customize Mail Controls For This Screen name.”

For AOL version 7.0: In the section for “exclusion and
inclusion parameters”, include this domain:

For AOL version 8.0 & Above: Select “Allow e-mail from
all AOL members, e-mail addresses and domains”. Then…

Bullet1. Click “Next” until the Save button shows up at the

Bullet2. Click “Save.”



& Junk Folder

To receive our emails with Hotmail, please check your
inbox and junk folders. Follow these steps if you’re
having trouble:

Bullet1. Click the “Options” tab”Mail

Bullet2. Under “Mail Handling” select “Safe List”

Bullet3. In the space provided, enter the address in the “From” line of this e-mail

Bullet4. Click “Add”

Bullet5. When you see the address you entered in the Safe List box, click “OK.


This would be a great place to add an audio message that auto plays and nicely instructs the user to go confirm.

You may feel compelled to put some advertising on this page but I advise against it because it will break the funnel and send the user in a new direction. There should be nothing to click on this page except the footer links.